Relation of Corporate Culture and Customer Experience

In order to create a competitive advantage, brands respectively followed the ways of differentiation by product itself, price and quality of service. Today, customer experience has become indispensable for differentiation and competition.

Corporate culture is a phenomenon that encompasses strategy. Even if you have an excellent customer experience strategy and a wide range of resources, you face with difficulties in your work in case of your corporate culture’s not being customer oriented and your employees’ who are in contact with your customers not having the right point of view. Customer experience requires a corporate culture that should be customer focused with the employees who do the work right. Corporate culture moves from top management to employees. Happy employees and happy customers can be created by having employee experience centered at the center of the organization.

It will be very helpful to answer the following questions to understand how effective the corporate culture is in creating the desired customer experience.

• Is customer experience measured regularly?

• Is customer experience one of the performance parameters?

• Are customer experience data tracked as much as financial data?

• Is there a clear link between customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and profitability?

• Do your employees have an understanding and effort of removing customer concerns?

• Are customer and employee views overlapping?

• Are customer and employee views taken as reference for corporate values?

• Do behavioral models and competencies overlap with values?

If the answer to all the questions is yes, you need to maintain the current situation. Any question that you answered no is pointing to the barriers that you need to be overcome for customer experience.